Plot: "Two blue-collar factory workers and jiu-jitsu experts have to deal with a zombie uprising in Tokyo."
From the multi-talented Sakichi Sato, "Ichi the Killer" scriptwriter, actor for the likes of Miike in "Gozu" and Tarantino in "Kill Bill", came this horror comedy that puts two legendary actors together: Shô Aikawa ("Zebraman" and zillions others) and Tadanobu Asano. This film fells fresh and free. There is a taste of liberty and foolishness that really made up for it's cheap moments. The low key humor and the absurdity of the situations makes it fell more like a manga, than anything else. And guess what ? It's an adaptation from a manga by Yūsaku Hanakuma. Again ! What an amazing resource the manga genre has become for the movie industry in Japan. Back to the movie, it's a mix between classic zombie flick and a "master / disciple" martial art movie.
No much gore, not much zombie scares if any, much more a great little wacky Nippon comedy. Nice.
PS: Weird that in its second part, the movie takes place in a besieged city, only for the rich survivors, and shows us fights between zombies and human, very identical to the "Land of the Dead" movie by Romero. Don't know who copied who but obviously someone did.
PS 2: Sakichi Sato is preparing another manga adpatation with Shô Aikawa, called "Insect Detective Yoshida Yoshimi" about a detective that can speaks to any living creatures. Watch the trailer here.