Plot from Imdb: Walter Paisley, nerdy busboy at a Bohemian café, is jealous of the talent (and popularity) of its various artistic regulars. But after accidentally killing his landlady's cat and covering the body in plaster to hide the evidence, he is acclaimed as a brilliant sculptor - but his new-found friends want to see more of his work.
Very nice Roger Corman horror movie from the 60's. Short and to the point. As usual, Corman knows how to mix intelligently old school horror (it feels more like a "Twilight Zone" or a "Alfred hitchcock presents" episode) and social comment about his time. In this movie, it's all about the Beatnik way of life. Intro is a loooooong beatnik poetry, sort of Slam. The characters in the "café" are very caricatural but I guess that must be close from the reality of that time. This is also a very harsh comentary about talent: glorified if you got some, dispised by the majority if you lack it. Excellent interpretation by Dick Miller as a mentally disturbed busboy, who desperately wants recognition.