Based on a manga by otomo (yes, mister Akira, himself) and Satoshi Kon (yes, mister Tokyo Godfathers, Millenium actress, Perfect Blue, etc...) and with Sabu as the lead ,a cult director in Japan, this had all the chances to be a great movie. And it was, even if the general style is very dated. Otomo behind the camera is not a genius like Otomo the mangaka or as an anime director.
General plot is this: A Yakusa needs to clear an apartment (in fact a house) from it's foreign tenants before his bosses could destroy the house for some construction scam. Only problem is that the apartment is haunted. Of course, very soon, this poor young Yakusa will need the help of the foreigners to battle the evil spirit inside. And will find out that all foreigners are not evil.
As a comedy, it's works great and it has a nice 80's positive feeling about it (the crap music, the haircuts, the happy ending). Not so much as a horror movie because of the cheesiness of the fx (the Evil Spirit giant marsupial head is really lame - see pic below) and because it doesn't take itself too seriously.But it's a nice try and really totally different from Otomo's other work.