Plot by imdb: "At a party, someone goes insane and murders three women. Falsely accused of the brutal killings, Jerry is on the run. More bizarre killings continue with alarming frequency all over town. Trying to clear his name, Jerry discovers the shocking truth...people are losing their hair and turning into violent psychopaths and the connection may be some LSD all the murderers took a decade before."
For all you pills poppers and Acid eaters out there, a strange and weird 70's movie about drug's aftereffects... I watched it, not knowing anything about it and I must say that the first scene really left me extremely perplexed and really looking forward for the rest of the story. Some scenes are very creepy but it's the general weirdness of it all that creates a lasting effect. The rest of the movie is so-so, an average casting with basic acting and some lame chases. Some of the acting is so lame that it might make you laugh. Strangely, I didn't think at the time that it was so ridiculous as some appears to think. Thanks to the interesting main idea, it kept me interested all along. In the end, a freaky-funny-creepy paranoiac thriller from the 70's acid hysteria, with some really memorable scenes.