Plot by Imdb: "In a twisted 1950's where everyone does magic, a private detective investigates a murder case without it."
Apparently the following movie from a previous hit (first one is "Cast a deadly Spell", haven't seen it). Not totally convinced by this one from Paul Schrader. Should be half Lovecraft (the detective is called Harry P. Lovecraft) and half Chandler but it's more half Harry Potter, half McCarthy area satire, with all the "good taste" from a 80/s tv movie. It's a weird mix and doesn't work very well, but it has its moments. Dennis Hopper is good, as always, and there is some fun moments. The fx are so cheesy, it's a delight. If you wanna go back in time, and pretend you're a kid again, wasting an evening watching tv during the 80's, it's highly recommended.