Plot from Imdb: An alien agent (Paul Birch) from the distant planet Davana is sent to earth via a high-tech matter transporter. There he terrorizes Southern California in an attempt to acquire blood for his dying race, the result of a devastating nuclear war.
Really nice atmosphere in this old school black & white Sci-Fi / Horror classic. Interpretation is good and the fx are kept at minimum or are out of frame. All together, it's a good ol' classic. Nice touch: a small part from the always enjoyable Dick Miller.How to tell you, this is a piece of crap. The plot is identical to the original and all the new stuff, fx and cast, are awful. A very very strange "Giallo" sequence in the middle of the picture, when the "alien" woman attacks a girl in the streets at night, with a costume, a cape and a butcher knife (??!!??!)...Nothing to save in this flick, not even the nudity, except, of course, Tracy Lord's amazing hot looks. But this doesn't make a movie...well, it doesn't make a "regular movie" anyway.