Plot from Imdb:"Italian thriller about a shadowy killer in black murdering fashion models through brutal methods"
What a movie ! What an overwhelming demonstration of the formal genius of Bava ! If you need to see only a few Giallis, watch this one amongst them, it's really the quintessential Giallo from cult director Mario Bava. Describing it would be painful as it is almost perfect, in every way, the only less interesting part is the actual police investigation. The rest is amazingly well shot, well choreographed, well lighted, etc...there are a few amazing shots during the movie, the long dolly shot through the fashion workshop at the end is really impressive. A real treat for the lover of this genre, it contains all the right ingredients: double faced characters, beautiful but dangerous women, a iconic masked killer (and his black gloves, a mandatory item in a Giallio), some Gothic mansion, etc... The main title of the soundtrack is mesmerizing and fits perfectly the atmosphere. An absolute classic ! Difficult to believe when it was released, it was a failure. Anyway, grazie mille Signore Bava.
English Trailer:
Opening credits + music: