Plot by Imdb: "Ramon the alligator is flushed down the toilet as a baby and grows into a gargantuan monster by eating the corpses of laboratory animals who have undergone dubious hormone experiments...Then it runs amok in the sewers killing people."
Now that's what I call a nasty pet ! Although it doesn't look different form hundred (thousands) of other "monstrous carnivorous monsters in the sewers" movies, this one is the original. Written by John Sayles, who also wrote two other classics: "Piranha" and "The Howling", this movie has a strong sense of humor but never goes the easy way in trying to ridicule the genre. Very interesting and never lame (even in it's cheesiest moment), "Alligator" always delivers. Acting is good, the small gore is good, (specially Robert Forster, perfect in a very classic role as a cynical and desperate cop) the alligator is not to be seen too much (except at the end for a Sunday celebration that everyone will remember), the stupid croc hunter (Henry Silva, really funny) gets his ass kicked (or chewed if you prefer): everything is fine.
The 80's style of the movie helps making this an absolute classic.
A big, heavy, furious classic, with big teeth !
Now that's what I call a nasty pet ! Although it doesn't look different form hundred (thousands) of other "monstrous carnivorous monsters in the sewers" movies, this one is the original. Written by John Sayles, who also wrote two other classics: "Piranha" and "The Howling", this movie has a strong sense of humor but never goes the easy way in trying to ridicule the genre. Very interesting and never lame (even in it's cheesiest moment), "Alligator" always delivers. Acting is good, the small gore is good, (specially Robert Forster, perfect in a very classic role as a cynical and desperate cop) the alligator is not to be seen too much (except at the end for a Sunday celebration that everyone will remember), the stupid croc hunter (Henry Silva, really funny) gets his ass kicked (or chewed if you prefer): everything is fine.
The 80's style of the movie helps making this an absolute classic.
A big, heavy, furious classic, with big teeth !