Plot by Imdb: Paul Groves (Peter Fonda), a television commercial director, is in the midst of a personality crisis. His wife Sally (Susan Strasberg) has left him and he seeks the help of his friend John (Bruce Dern), a self-styled guru who's an advocate of LSD. Paul asks John to be the guide on his first "trip". John takes Paul to a "freak-out" at his friend Max's (Dennis Hopper) pad. Splitting the scene, they score some acid from Max and return to John's split-level pad with an indoor pool. Paul experiences visions of sex, death, strobe lights, flowers, dancing girls, witches, hooded riders, a torture chamber, and a dwarf. He panics but John tells him to "go with it, man." Would you trust John?
Roger Corman is my MAN ! Peter Fonda in the main role and a script by Jack Nicholson (you can laugh), it's written you'll end up with a weird movie for sure. Did I mentioned Dennis Hooper as an Acid Freak Master (this guy is a republican, now ? Come on !) ? The plot is really funny because it's very cliché, everything is what you'd expect to see from a movie about the "LSD experience", a very incommunicable experience indeed. The hallucinations sequences are hilarious, specially the "middle-age" part (as the dwarf say in "Living in Oblivion": Have you ever had a dream with a dwarf in it? Do you know anyone who's had a dream with a dwarf in it? No! I don't even have dreams with dwarves in them. The only place I've seen dwarves in dreams is in stupid movies like this! "Oh make it weird, put a dwarf in it!". Everyone will go "Woah, this must be a fuckin' dream, there's a fuckin' dwarf in it!".) And there is a dwarf in it. And hooded riders. Year I know. Hallucinations are not what they used to be.