Plot from Imdb: "A young nun is tempted by visions of forbidden sexual fantasies to cross over to Satan."
Whoa ! What a great movie ! Much more subtle than I thought. This is a real classic nunsploitation movie. The mexican cast is perfect, and the sets are really insanely beautiful. It feels odd, realistic and theatrical at the same time. Strangely enough, you can relate to the character without any problem, as the opposition between life, with its lavish sensuality and temptations, and religious abstract auto-discipline deepens. There are quite a few shocking scene, like the killing, or the first hallucinations. Or are they ? The movie does great at bluring the line between reality and fantasy. Love the "Lucifer" character. The actor has a "Martin Landau" quality, in his face. Highly recommended movie. A classic. It's even better watching it during a pagan orgy.
Satanic feast: