Plot by Imdb: "When Detective Mortimer Shade is somehow killed in a freezer, a parasite called a grail possesses his body, revives him, but he needs blood to stay alive. His partner John Dark accepts the new situation and together they become vigilantes, judging and killing the bad guys, with Shade sucking their blood with his claw. However, Dark notes that Shade is losing the rest of his humanity and becoming a monster, being aware and afraid of the danger Shade represents to mankind and trying to stop him."
Now, before anyone tells me that this movie's got bad reviews on Imdb or elsewhere and that it got some major flaws, I wish to say that yes, this movie is far from being perfect and yes, some of it doesn't work but hey, can you give me a break and let me like a mediocre movie ? Even as a mediocre movie, it has a direct link to eveything I like in genre cinema: a Film Noir atmosphere, a creepy monster living inside somebody, some vigilante actions, and some ridiculous parts (the ending is specially lousy). Of course, the production value is not high and some of the plot doesn't make much sense but it's quite all right. A nice little b-movie. What seems to enrage people is that this movie tries very hard to be more than just the b-movie it is, it tries to be like a "dark tale of right and wrong with a Gothic urban horror background". And this "snobbish" attitude doesn't do the movie any good. But it's well worth watching as the entertainment it always should have been. And nothing more. Have a beer, relax, enjoy !
PS: The director is actually working on a movie called "Gallowwalker", starring Wesley Snipes. It's about a professional hitman that needs to kill bad guys multiple times, because of a zombie curse (!?!?!). This one looks like a crappy mix between an Italian Spaghetti western and a zombie flick .Watch the Trailer below.
"Gallowwalker" trailer: