Plot from Imdb: "In this parody of blaxploitation movies, a black hero wannabe reunites former black heroes from the 70s to help him get revenge on Mr. Big."
A very shitty comedy, supposedly an homage to Blaxploitation but missing the point completely. You are better of watching "Black Dynamite" if you're looking for a true, nice, Blaxploitation parody. This is utter shit, but I watched it only to see a magical trio of legends: Isaac Hayes, Jim Brown and...Antonio Fargas !! Not only them, but John Vernon plays the white bad guy, as he used to. Unfortunately, nothing can save this piece of trash, even the legendary old-timers...It's not so easy to emulate an Abraham/ Zucker production and they failed miserably. The utterly moronic story is undermined by some of the lousiest acting I've seen and the gags are generally lame. The movie ends with an apparition of Boogie Down Production, with KRS-One rapping in the street (!!?). Avoid at all cost or make sure you take drugs BEFORE you watch this.