Plot from Imdb: During the war in Afghanistan a Soviet tank crew commanded by a tyrannical officer find themselves lost and in a struggle against a band of Mujahadeen guerrillas in the mountains. A unique look at the Soviet 'Vietnam' experience sympathetically told for both sides.
Quite unique harsh war movie. The good thing about this film is that it doesn't make you, yes you - testosterone freaks, want to "join the military and live wild adventures". Oh noooo....It shows you the gruesome reality of war. Destruction of innocent village, torture, fights between men from the same side, a test to the limit of your inner morality. Very nice fights sequences & a very impressive production values for this quite unknown 80's war flick. Clearly a forgotten gem. One thing would have made this movie perfect: to have chosen a real Russian cast and to have stick with Russian language. The fact that they all speak English is weird in the movie (specially when the Afghans have kept their language + subtitles)...but, tragically, also premonitory. Check it out !
There's no trailer available, so here is an extract: