Plot from Imdb: Chopper tells the intense story of Mark "Chopper" Read, a legendary criminal who wrote his autobiography while serving a jail sentence in prison. His book, "From the Inside", upon which the film is based, was a best-seller.
Great Insane movie about a legendary man, Mark "Chopper" Read. After watching the movie, I was so much interested in the character that I bought his first book and read it. And it's fucking hilarious...You can't believe the shit this man has been through but it helps to understand why he sometimes acts so roughly. A one of a kind criminal, he attacked, tortured and robbed- or killed drug dealers & other fellow criminals only. Never laid a finger on a "civilian". That's nice for us. My kind of criminal: a hardcore gangster, with a code. I guess everyone has to live by a code.
Andrew Dominik's movie, thanks to the AMAZING performance by Eric Bana , is really great and does the book justice. Just go & watch it, it's an all time classic crime/prison movie !
Cheers, mates !
The real Mark "Chopper" Read:
And for those of you, rapists & woman bashing pieces of shit, a warning from Chopper: