Thursday, May 13, 2010

Pantaleón y las Visitadoras aka Captain Pantoja and the Special Service - F. J. Lombardi - Peru - (2000)

Plot by Imdb:"The Peruvian army captain Pantaleon Pantoja, a very serious and efficient officer, is chosen by his superiors to set up a special service of 'visitors' to satisfy the sexual needs of the soldiers posted on remote jungle outposts. At first unhappy about this assignment, he nonetheless puts his remarkable organizational skills in action and in a short time has his 'unit' running smoothly. In the home front things get complicated though; his wife dislikes his long hours and the secrecy surrounding his work, and he, despite being a dedicated husband, feels tempted by one of his "subordinates""

Second adaptation from Mario Vargas Llosa's novel, this very enjoyable and ironic comedy has enough weirdness and enough flesh to be included in my film selection. Hedonistic and moist (mmmm), the erotism rests essentially on the shoulders (and else) of Angie Cepeda, just stunningly hot !!!
Watching the "army"of hookers doing gymnastic exercices at their "base" is just too nice to miss. 
The attacks against the army and general establishment are always appreciated but the movie isn't one-sided, as the main vilain is a pimp looking radio DJ, who basically act as a corrupted bastard. The end of the movie is suprisingly touching and left you in a nostalgic mood. Great little movie, adapted from a great novel.
If every army had "visitadoras", we'll all be in the army. And I'll be "el general de la vistadoras" !



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