Saturday, April 24, 2010

Ren Zhe Da aka Ninja The Final Duel - Robert Tai - Taiwan - (1986)

 Plot  from Imbd: "The Ji Ho Ninja clan vow to destroy the monks of a Shaolin temple. To do so they must first perfect their Water Spider Assault Unit, the Iron Tiger Claw, the Ninja Rock Climbing Formation and the Ninja Heaven Death Wish Blade. Luckily the Shaolin temple finds protection in the form of a good monk, two Hare Krishna's and a monk from Harlem."

I'm dedicating this review to Zoltan, international specialist of Ninja foolishness on film.

Oh my fucking GOD !!!! I've just been blinded by this visual shuriken, that left me speechless and  looking for more Taiwanese Ninja insanity ! This is just too much: Ninja's secret techniques involving giant aquatic spiders, climbing trees with demon-cat disguises and buriing oneself in the ground, before popping out like rockets. a naked woman fighter specialized in high kicks, black and white Buddhist monks  that looks like transvestite Hare-Krisna (!!), etc......I can't tell you enough about the costumes and general art direction (all over the place) but let's just say that it is a MASTERPIECE of the cheap ninja flick genre. 
Director Robert Tai has committed another major attempt against good taste in 1999 by associating with...Rudy Ray Moore - yes, Dolemite himself -  in the "Shaolin Dolemite", that I will watch very soon.

Just go for it but remember, it is extremely important to drink heavily before watching this film. Not doing so might result in serious injuries to your brain.



Unknown said...

thank for the dedicace! for one of the best ninja movie ever made!

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