Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Let's scare jessica to death - John D. Hancock - USA - (1971)

Plot frm Imdb: "A recently institutionalized woman has bizarre experiences after moving into a supposedly haunted country farmhouse and fears she may be losing her sanity once again."

Saw this movie last night and it's very atmospheric and moody. Nice to see one horror movie that relies extensively on atmosphere and not on gore or "bullshit last minute twist", as so many does nowadays. Apart from this, there is some really creepy moments and you never know if Jessica is mad or if it is a conspiracy against her. The imagery is also very nice, creepy but quite "normal", almost nothing out of the ordinary.  Acting is great ( Zohra Lampert is amazing) and the slow pace creates a sense of time dilatation that let your imagination take the lead. Can't say it was totally satisfactory  but it's a welcome change from the usual contemporary "horror" stuff. Very nice classic 70's horror flick.



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