Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Blacula - William Crain - USA - (1972)

Plot by Imdb: "Interior decorators buy the coffin of an African prince bitten by Dracula centuries before and bring it back to Los Angeles. The African prince starts feeding his hunger while following a woman who looks like his departed wife."

Ahhhhh, Blacula ! The blaxploitation version of the classic vampire tale, redone for black audience in the 70's and relocated in L.A. With a title like "Blacula", you know you're in for a treat. And it is one, costumes straight from the freakiest 70's style, romantic plot and eternal damnation of the disco-funk. The surprising thing is the serious of William Marshall, playing the dead Count. He will later have the main part of the Bishop in the Blaxploitation remake of "The Exorcist" called "Abby". In "Blacula", his interpretation has more to do with Bela Lugosi than with Christopher Lee but, strangely, in this maelstrom of flashy seventy exuberance, it works. His impossible love story is almost touching. On the other hand, some sequences are hilarious...and super cheap, almost like a bad TV series. But it's such a classic from the blaxploitation years that you have to see it. Make yourself an "Afro", get into your flared trousers, lights the disco ball but watch out, as in the shadows is Blacula, looking to make you his servant for eternity.



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