Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Ratu ilmu hitam aka Queen of the Black Magic - Liliek Sudjio - (1979)

Plot by Imdb: " A woman is seduced by and cast aside by a fickle lover. When the lover marries another woman who starts hallucinating during their wedding, she is accused of being a witch and thrown to her death over a cliff. A strange man rescues her, nurses her back to health, and is told that she must master black magic in order to exact vengeance on her tormentors. She casts a variety of spells over the populace--with the male population as her favorite target, and becomes the queen of black magic. But who, exactly, is the man, and does he have other plans?"

A classic ! Featuring Suzzanna, a great icon of Indonesian cinema in the 70's / 80's. This very classical tale of revenge is redeemed by a very good photography and average acting. The "curses" are imaginative as hell and even gruesome. Eh, it's dark magic or what ? Snakes, night incantations, magic potions made with creepy creatures, ecstatic trances, the all decorum of black magic is used and used well. Some scene are almost classics, like the "flying head" or the "birth of snakes"...
The oddness of the "magical" culture of Indonesia makes it even stranger for westerner and add a nice "surreal" element to this classic Indonesian horror movie.Watch it if you don't want to be cursed and die a hideous death !



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