Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Lialeh aka Black Lialeh - Barron Bercovichy - USA - (1974)

Plot by Moviegroove: "The movie (also know as "The Black Deep Throat") is about a girl named Lialeh who wants to make it as a soul singer. Legendary drummer Bernard "Pretty" Purdie composed, produced and performed Lialeh's score, while between projects with Curtis Mayfield, Aretha Franklin, The Last Poets, The Rolling Stones, James Brown."

A porn movie that is half Blaxploitation, half musical (soul/funk) is just the right type for this blog. This is obviously exploitation but it still feels fresh, the porno sequences are a bit lame but have this "natural" feeling from the 70's sex revolution. The musical parts are surprisingly nice and doesn't seems out of place. The ultimate sequence with an interracial "quartet" humping on the stage of a live theater, with the band playing just behind, reminded me of the Mitchell Brothers O'Farrell Theatre, in San Francisco (the Mitchell Bros were the producer of all-time classic porn movie "Behind the Green Door" with Marilyn Chambers). 
Nice little adult gem.

Music intro:


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