Monday, March 08, 2010

Gau ngao gau aka Dog Bite Dog - Pou-Soi Cheang - HK - (2006)

Plot from Imdb: "A Cambodian assassin finds himself on the run from Hong Kong police after completing his assignment."
What a cool surprised it was to discover a new hard-boiled crime story from HK ! This dark tale of overcoming inhumanity is told like any crime movie in HK, it's got the looks, the feel but the taste is much more bitter. It deals with an "inhuman" Cambodian assassin, somebody that has been treated like a dog and became one. A rabid dog. The discover of his human side could have been very sentimental and lame and the choice of Edison chen (HK loverboy) could have been a disaster. It's not. Far from it. On all aspect, this movie works perfectly. The killing sequences have great impact, the chases are thrilling and all the characters, as over the top as they are, feel real. The violence is lurking at every corner of this story, like a dark secret we don't want to admit. The two main characters are fascinating and the direction is perfect. Pou-Soi Cheang is a director to watch, his last work "Yi ngoi" is very interesting also, if not completely successful on all aspects. Anyway, every time, this director comes with an original idea, witch is remarkable in the HK movie industry. He represents the new generation some of us waited a long time to see emerging from the ex British colony. The ending of the movie is so bleak and furious, so pessimistic that you fell you took a beating, like the characters, watching this.
Great dark hard-boiled thriller, for the fan of the genre.


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