Saturday, February 20, 2010

Ika resuraa - The Calamari Wrestler - Minoru Kawasaki . Japan - (2004)


Plot from Wikipedia: "The magical realist plot revolves around a professional wrestler who, after developing a terminal illness, becomes a giant squid-like creature. While he finds some success in the ring, he craves respect outside it."
Minoru Kawasaki is the MAN ! Not only did he went on making insane movies about Calamari wrestler or psychotic executive Koala ("Executive koala", his masterpiece in my opinion, review coming up !), but he also directed nonsensical comedy "The Rug Cop", one of the bonkiest jap-comedy of all time...What can I say ? This man is a master. With very little money (often no more than a Video production), he makes incredible movies, that are both ridiculous and extremely touching. What's happening is that everything is told like having people turning into Calamari or Squilla was perfectly normal. Therefore, the comical part is not exploited at all. The director leaves us laughing alone and go on making his movie about real "persons" having feelings and emotions. What a genius idea ! Needless to say that some of the fights in this movie are hilarious and so out -there that your belly hurts. And it's not the seafood.
Can't wait to watch his last one "The Monster X Strikes Back: Attack the G8 Summit"...   


Japanese trailer:


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