aka "Invasion of the Fleshhunters", aka "Cannibals in the Streets"
Plot from Imdb. "Giovanni Lambardo Radice and John Saxon are Vietman vets that bring back contagious virus that turn people into cannibals when bitten."
Another absolute gem ! What a great b-movie ! It has all and it works really well. With a title like "Cannibal Apocalypse", one might think this is going to be another of the "plastic jungle - gratuitous animal cruelty - half naked savages - mondo movies" from our Italians friends. Hell no ! There is just a small Vietnam sequence at the beginning and the rest is an urban virus movie that's really gripping. Antonio Margheriti, working under the surname of "Anthony M. Dawson", was a director during the great exploitation era in Italy, the 70's. Like Mario Bava and others, he worked in almost every genre: from Science Fiction to Peplum, from Giallo to Crime movies. In my opinion, this one is one of his best work. John Saxon ("Black Christmas" , "Enter the dragon", and zillions of others) has the main role and, as the rest of the cast, does a great job. No "over acting" and keeping it low tone, all the way. Some sequences are obviously very influenced by other movies, "Dawn of the Dead" during the sewer sequence and "A dog's day afternoon" in the "supermarket shooting" one. The story is simple but efficient. You find yourself rooting for this odd group of Vietnam vets, condemned to try to survive by a virus, like they were condemned by society to try to survive at war. Society = war ? I'll let you be the judge of that. Really nice movie, would love to find a better copy somewhere.
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